お薦めの逸品 / Recommendation

大石 早矢香 Sayaka Oishi

モノノアワレ蝸牛茶碗 SOLD

サイズ:H9.5 x W11.7 x D11.7cm



*下にスクロールしていただくと過去分の「お薦めの逸品」をご覧いただけます。また、画面上部のTosei Nagaokakyoに進み「お薦めの逸品」をクリックすると、長岡京のギャラリー桃青で扱っている伝統的な陶芸作品について「お薦めの逸品」をご覧になれます。

Mono no Aware Snail Tea Bowl

*'Mono no Aware' means the awareness of impermanence, or the transience of things, and a gentle sadness or wistfulness at their passing.

Size: H9.5 x W11.7 x D11.7cm
         H3.74 x W4.6 x D4.6 in
Year: 2020

This tea bowl, with its motif of snail that can be seen around us, is a gem worth seeing, with graceful and delicate decorations by the artist's unique worldview of organically intermingled living things and plants, expressing the unique Japanese feeling of being close to nature and feeling its richness.

*If you have any questions, please contact us at the e-mail address listed under "Contact" in the top menu.

*If you scroll down, you can see the past "Recommendation". Also, if you go to 'Tosei Nagaokakyo' at the top of the screen and click on "Recommended Works", you can see our recommendation about the traditional ceramic works that Gallery Tosei in Nagaokakyo handles.

1980 京都府生まれ
2004 京都市立芸術大学美術学部工芸科 陶器専攻卒業

2017  Thematic Exhibition in Gwangju GICB2017 (韓国 / 京畿陶磁博物館)
2018  茶陶の現在 ‐ 2018 萩(山口県立萩美術館・浦上記念館)
2019  陶の花 FLOWERS (滋賀県立陶芸の森 陶芸館展示室)
2019  個展「大石早矢香 -binary-」(滋賀県立陶芸の森 陶芸館ギャラリー)

2019  京畿世界陶磁ビエンナーレ2019  入選(韓国 / 利川セラピア 他)
2019  第8回菊池ビエンナーレ 入選(東京 / 菊池寛実記念 智美術館)
2020  第23回岡本太郎現代芸術賞展ノミネート(神奈川 / 川崎市岡本太郎美術館)

Han Hyang Lim Onggi Museum(韓国)
Icheon world ceramic center(韓国)

1980 Born in Kyoto Pref.
2004 BFA, Kyoto City University of Arts, Ceramic

Selected Exhibition
2017   Thematic Exhibition in Gwangju GICB2017, Gwangju Gonjiam Ceramic Park, Korea
2018   Tea pottery in modern - 2018 HAGI, Hagi Uragami Museum, Yamaguchi, Japan
2019   Expression of Flowers in Japanese Ceramic Art, The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Museum, Shiga, Japan
2019   Solo Exhibition 'Sayaka Oishi -binary-', The Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park, Gallery, Shiga, Japan

2019   Selected, Korean International Ceramic Biennale 2019, Icheon Ceramic Utopia etc, Korea
2019   Selected, Kikuchi biennale VIII, Musée Tomo, Tokyo
2020   Nominated, 23rd Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art, TARO OKAMOTO MUSEUM of ART, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan

Han Hyang Lim Onggi Museum, Korea
The Ceramic Cultural Center, Shiga Prefectural Ceramic Cultural Park, Shiga, Japan
Yamaguchi Prefectural Hagi Art Museum & Uragami Memorial Hall, Yamaguchi, Japan
Icheon world ceramic center, Korea
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