ニュース / News

福本潮子・横溝美由紀 二人展 ー In Between ―

前期:2022年10月7日~29日 / October 7th – 29th, 2022
​後期:2022年11月4日〜26日 / November 4th – 26th, 2022


We are honored to present new works by two world-class artists.
Shihoko Fukumoto is known for her large scale indigo dyed works. The contrast between the deep shades of indigo and the fabric used as the material creates a space with depth, evoking a magnificent cosmic expanse.
Miyuki Yokomizo is known for her site-specific works. The trajectory of vertical and horizontal lines engraved on the canvas by playing a thread of oil paint on the canvas evokes a sense of infinite and magnificent time.
Please enjoy a moment of richness in the autumn season of art.

*The exhibition will be changed after the first half of the period, and a different spatial composition will be created in the second half of the period.

福本潮子 10月21日, 11月11日, 12日, 19日, 23日 13:00~
横溝美由紀 10月7日, 11月4日 13:00~

Meet the Artist  
Shihoko Fukumoto
October 21, November 11, 12, 19, 23 from 13:00
She will be not staying at gallery on 22nd Oct

Miyuki Yokomizo
October 7, November 4, from 13:00-

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