今月、ギャラリーCでは常設展を開催中です。 伝統的な陶芸作品に加え、デザイン性に溢れる現代的な造形作品を展示しております。 若手作家から中堅・ベテラン作家による幅広いジャンルに亘る作品群をこの機会に是非ご高覧ください。 This month, a permanent exhibition is being held at Tosei Kyoto Gallery -Gallery C-. In addition to traditional ceramic works, we are exhibiting contemporary works that are full of design. We hope you will take this opportunity to view a wide range of works by young, established, and experienced artists.
We are currently holding “Risa Takahashi, Kae Masuda, Kazuko Yamashita Three-Person Exhibition” – Landscape: Form to Perception –, so please stop by.